Source code for gqlmod.helpers.utils

import graphql

__all__ = 'unwrap_type', 'walk_query', 'walk_variables'

[docs]def unwrap_type(node): """ Gets the true type node from an schema node. Returns the list of wrappers, the real type first and the outermost last """ rv = [node] while isinstance(node, graphql.GraphQLWrappingType): node = node.of_type rv.append(node) return list(reversed(rv))
def unwrap_type_node(node): """ Gets the true type node from an AST node. Returns the list of wrappers, the real type first and the outermost last """ rv = [] while True: rv.append(node) if isinstance(node, graphql.NonNullTypeNode): node = node.type continue elif isinstance(node, graphql.ListTypeNode): node = node.type continue else: break return list(reversed(rv)) def get_schema_fields(snode): # Start unwrapping if isinstance(snode, graphql.GraphQLField): snode = snode.type elif isinstance(snode, graphql.GraphQLInputField): snode = snode.type snode, *_ = unwrap_type(snode) if isinstance(snode, graphql.GraphQLScalarType): # Is subclass of GraphQLNamedType return {} elif isinstance(snode, graphql.GraphQLEnumType): # Is subclass of GraphQLNamedType return {} elif isinstance(snode, graphql.GraphQLNamedType): return snode.fields else: raise TypeError(f"Dunno how to get the fields for {snode!r}") def walk_query_node(path, qnode, snode, schema): for qfield in qnode.selection_set.selections: if isinstance(qfield, graphql.InlineFragmentNode): # Nothing to do on this field, just populate stuff for the recursion type_name = sfield = schema.get_type(type_name) fpath = path elif isinstance(qfield, graphql.FieldNode): name = fpath = path + (name,) sfield = get_schema_fields(snode)[name] yield fpath, qfield, sfield else: raise TypeError(f"Can't handle a {type(qfield)} ({qfield!r})") if qfield.selection_set: yield from walk_query_node(fpath, qfield, sfield, schema) def walk_schema_node(path, snode): for name, field in get_schema_fields(snode).items(): fpath = path + (name,) yield fpath, field yield from walk_schema_node(fpath, field)
[docs]def walk_query(query_ast, schema): """ Walks a query (by AST), generating 3-tuples of: * the name path (Tuple[str]) * the AST node of the field in the query (:py:class:`graphql.language.ast.FieldNode`) * the schema node of the field (:py:class:`graphql.type.GraphQLField`) """ if query_ast.operation == graphql.OperationType.QUERY: root = schema.query_type elif query_ast.operation == graphql.OperationType.MUTATION: root = schema.mutation_type elif query_ast.operation == graphql.OperationType.SUBSCRIPTION: root = schema.subscription_type yield from walk_query_node((), query_ast, root, schema)
[docs]def walk_variables(query_ast, schema): """ Walks the variables (by AST), generating 2-tuples of: * the name path (Tuple[str]) * the schema node of the field (:py:class:`graphql.type.GraphQLField`) Note that the paths are rooted in the name of the variable, but the variable itself is not produced. """ for var in query_ast.variable_definitions: name = typ, *_ = unwrap_type_node(var.type) if isinstance(typ, graphql.GraphQLScalarType): continue elif typ.kind == 'named_type': pass else: raise TypeError(f"Can't get type for {var!r} ({typ!r})") tname = real_type = schema.get_type(tname) yield from walk_schema_node((name,), real_type)