Using gqlmod


  1. Install the gqlmod PyPI package, as well as any providers you need

  2. Import gqlmod.enable as soon as possible (maybe in your or top-level

  3. Import your query file and start calling your queries.


query HeroForEpisode($ep: Episode!) {
  hero(episode: $ep) {
    ... on Droid {
    ... on Human {
import gqlmod.enable  # noqa

from queries import HeroForEpisode

data = HeroForEpisode(ep='JEDI')

Or, if you want that in async, just add _async at the end of the module name in your import (you do not need to change the name of the actual file).
import gqlmod.enable  # noqa

from queries_async import HeroForEpisode

data = await HeroForEpisode(ep='JEDI')

You may also add _sync to the import name to explicitly ask for the synchronous versions.

Writing Query Files

Query files are simply text files full of named GraphQL queries and mutations.

One addition is the provider declaration:


This tells the system what provider to connect to these queries, and therfore how to actually query the service, what schema to validate against, etc.

The name of the provider should be in the provider’s docs.

Query functions

The generated functions have a specific form.

Query functions only take keyword arguments, matching the variables defined in the query. Optional and arguments with defaults may naturally be omitted.

The function returns the data you asked for as a dict. If the server returns an error, it is raised. (gqlmod does not support GraphQL’s partial results at this time.)

Note that wether query functions are synchronous or asynchronous is up to the provider; see its documentation.

Using different provider contexts

All installed providers are available at startup, initialized with no arguments. For most services, this will allow you to execute queries as an anonymous user. However, most applications will want to authenticate to the service. You can use gqlmod.with_provider() to provide this data to the provider.

gqlmod.with_provider() is a context manager, and may be nested. That is, you can globally authenticate as your app, but also in specific parts authenticate as a user.

The specific arguments will vary by provider, but usually have this basic form:

with gqlmod.with_provider('spam-service', token=config['TOKEN']):
    resp = spam_queries.GetMenu(amount_of_spam=None)

Major Providers

Here is a list of some maintained providers:

You may be able to discover a provider at this places:

API Reference

gqlmod.with_provider(name, **params)[source]

Uses a new instance of the provider (with the given parameters) for the duration of the context.


Enables importing .gql files.

Importing gqlmod.enable calls this.